Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

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Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

Post by jhwalker »

I saw another clean E a couple of weeks ago and gave the guy my info in case he ever wanted to sell it. Figured no chance because it was very clean and had some nice stuff on it. Got the email today -- needs to sell. So I responded with the "I'm interested, blah blah, can you provide details? Then sent the other guy from last year who has the perfect two 2006 Es and asked if had any more thoughts about selling one of them.
Yesterday I went on a 3 hour "campo" ride, a mixture of dirt, mud, cobblestones, riding with another guy. I was thinking that I would rather be on an E, and then got the email this morning. So we will see how this plays out. I kept the money I planned to spend on the last one stashed away, :-D

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Re: Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

Post by jhwalker »

Tomorrow I will ride it and check it over, and look at all the "stuff" that will go with it. I will take the camera. post up some pics.

I will call the other guy that has the 2 perfect ones after I look at this one. This one looks pretty perfect too. :whistle:

He wants $3000 US for it, which is high, but if everything checks out, I will do it. If the tires are not pretty new, I will work on that deduction. I have wanted 2 DRZs in the garage for 2 years now. I looked at a $1750 one here and it looked like caca and sounded the same.

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Re: Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

Post by jhwalker »

I need the help of the folks who know older DRZ400e -- it is a 2000. It LOOKS great. It has all sorts of protective stuff that is good for the rocky terrain down here. Buuuuuut the engine is much louder, metallic sounding at idle. Much louder than my 2005 s engine.

I rode it, it shifts nicely, the tires are new, looks good -- but if engine is going to need a rebuild I will pass unless he drops the price to pay for it.

I will post a vid that clearly demos the engine sound.

Vid is too big. I don't screw around with vids so will look for some shrinker software. In the meantime I am posting it on the jilmbo fahrquahr facebook timeline. should have a link to it soon...

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Re: Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

Post by Brakelate »

Likely just needs a manual Cam Chain Tensioner. Common mod. Check out the FAQ's under the DRZ400 section at "Thumper Talk". I think the older automatic units from the factory just get sloppy and allow all the noise.

I'll see if I can find a MCCT link to post up. That and definitely do the "Loctite" Mods, or at least the one for the countershaft sprocket. Any one of them that has ever had the stock C/S sprocket off (as most dirt bikers do for quick and easy gear ratio swaps) later have them puke all the oil out do to the nut working it's way loose. Spooky as hell on the road, spraying the rear tire with oil, but equally discomforting (if not life threatening) to have it occur on a hot, dry day out in the sticks while riding alone somewhere. It is very easy (especially for an out of shape guy like me) to underestimate how difficult it is to walk (forget pushing) out what seems to be a short distance, when one is so used to zipping along at even casual speeds under power.

http://www.thumpertalk.com/topic/552694 ... commended/

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Re: Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

Post by jhwalker »

Thanks Jay. Looks like a $50 item.

Also ""I do have the info on the Cam chain adjuster,
2000 models had failures, 2001-2002 models had an update and 2003 had a
whole new design. It is advised to update any 2000-2002 models to the 2003
to avoid problems in this area. I stock them and most dealers do not. I
have an alert on this on my website at www.kientech.com
My best regards

This bike starts in .5 second, runs strong, tracks as true as could be, new knobbies, all sorts of little upgrades. I think I will overpay, make the mod, and never think about it again. Clean up the S and it becomes the "guest bike". :whistle:

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Re: Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

Post by jhwalker »

I will freeze the shooter for a couple of days. It he has someone else trying to buy it, I snoozed I losed. :-D

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Re: Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

Post by Brakelate »

Classic. :lol:

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Re: Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

Post by jhwalker »

I just had to call the guy with the 2 perfect E's here in San Miguel -- he is in Texas right now. Bikes are here just sitting in their perfect condition in his garage. Last year they were ridden 1 time. Year before 2 times. It kills me. I'd bet they don't have 1000 miles on them and he maintains them like he was riding around the world. :whistle: He's keeping them. :doh:

Terri wants me to just buy the current bike so she doesn't have to hear the "shuda wuda cuda" later. :whistle:

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Re: Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

Post by jhwalker »

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Re: Looking at another DRZ400e in San Miguel

Post by jhwalker »

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