End of year recap...

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Fifth Gear
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Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:04 pm
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End of year recap...

Post by jhwalker »

This was a good year.
1. The Ducati. Still have 5 things to do, after I accumulate some cash.
2. SPF -- provided tons of fun this year, should provide more in 2016.
3. Casa projects
a. Terri's side yard. Done, and pleases us.
b. Backyard -- not done. Still a month to go, and I have asked them to hold off until I return from the USA on Jan 11. They said :dance:
4. Terri. Still hanging in. God bless her.
5. The three boys. Knock on wood, all good. Adam is heading to Okinawa for 4 years, Ryan took a full-time position with the Dalton Hot-shots, Brendan continues researching and teaching at WSU.

2016 has good prospects. :whistle: I have some serious goals... :-D

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