illegal immigration?


illegal immigration?

Post by ruling_storm »

American citizens (contractors and such ) who hire illegals, are fined for employing them, not kicked out.
There are plenty of Americans who could be taken off the streets and put to work in those so-called low-paying jobs.
What is really at work here is the fact that Gw is trying to nuzzle up to the Mexican government in order to get a deal with Pemex for Mexican oil, so that it doesn't have to be imported from the countries that he is bombing.

Razor Jim

illegal immigration?

Post by Razor Jim »

The only people that want cheap labor are some of the employers that exploit illegals. We want the employers to stop hiring them or face fines and jail time. So American citizens do not want it both ways. We want the situation fixed. I don't care if we have to pay more for fruit and vegies.


illegal immigration?

Post by Sandman »

Most Americans don't want illegals here. Big Business however, who control politics with their money, do. That's why nothing is being done at a national level to end illegal immigration.

Banana Juarez

illegal immigration?

Post by Banana Juarez »

You know what? these stubborn people the so called patriots or so they say they are, don't really know a thing about what makes a human being a person with dignity since they do not have any, let see for exemple those that think they know history, what is the most important clause in the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty? How come do you think there is no International Trade of Mexico with other Countries around the world,? EXCEPT FOR THE SMALL LITTLE THINGS THAT WON'T HURT THE AMERICAN ECONOMY? Why is it that Mexico can't export heavy machinery or autos to other countries? who took all the benefits of people that invented or did something great in Mexico, and bought it with decit? How was it that the USA Won the Mexican-USA War? Where is the so called 15 millions of dollars that supposedlly USA paid for these exMexican states? and Why do you think that Mexicans had been allowed to enter to all these states with only a partial permit or the so called local pasaport? see the situation in Mexico has been as it is, due to the treaties in secret that the government of the USA did with the poor defeated Mexicans of those days which they were so devasteded for priors invaders like the french the english the arabians and then the northamericans came and fought a bunch of tired soldiers that were too tired to defend Mexico anymore that's why the Battle of Chapultepec is so remembered in Mexico. Well there is so many things the so called historians left out that if you would know what I know you would embrace Mexicans and you would give Mexico what Japan recived in the aftermath of the WWII.... BUT NOOOO!!!! you are so busy uncovering your dirty hate that you corrupt even those that are growing up and teaching them how to hate regardless of the truth...instead of being able to become great, and I mean Great from their Hearts and keep this country the best by means of Divine Wisdom NOT CONVINIENT SLOTH!

amnesty sucks

illegal immigration?

Post by amnesty sucks »

We don't want "cheap" labor. Don't blame the average American. 80% of Americans are against amnesty. We don't want them here. AND, I still blame the 30+ illegal alien criminals that are here breaking our laws.


illegal immigration?

Post by mutantalbino »

Whoever hires should be fined and sentenced according to the law.

I could care less about cheap labor, besides we can get all we could ever possibly need by issuing legal visas.

None of it justifies illegally entering the US.


illegal immigration?

Post by clowns_scare_me2 »

agree! and illegals have been working and living in the USA for many decades, and then suddenly it's a big deal. racists need to back off.


illegal immigration?

Post by Geno »

You don't "kick American citizens" out for breaking the law. But you DO prosecute criminals for breaking the law!!!

"America" doesn't want cheap labor, the greedy employers that hire them do because they don't have to pay them a fair wage or provide benefits to these illegal alien criminals.

Joshua S

illegal immigration?

Post by Joshua S »

GOP your a idiot,, Number one when you have so many illegals in the job pool it brings down wages for ALL ,, 2 only the corporations that hire illegals actually bennifit, So all we need to do to get rid of the Illegas is Go after those who either facilitate or actually hire illegals and go after them hard no jobs = no illegals they might go back to mexico become activists and help change their own country which is full of courruption and monopolies thanks to being on the trickle down econimics for 60 years


illegal immigration?

Post by volleyballchick »

What America wants is everyone to pay their share, be in this nation legally, and pay the penalty if they don't follow the laws of this land. We just want everyone to respect this nation enough to follow the laws we have in place, and not cry "POOR!" when they get caught and they have no other defense.

Your rant is rather silly, and it is obvious that you are not of this land, so why should we care what you think on the issue?

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